Tuesday, June 25, 2013

They say it's your birthday

My sweet girl reached an amazing milestone......She turned one.  I won't lie; I cried.  I used to make fun of my mother for crying at such events......now I get it.  Yikes. 

I have to say that I feel very good about her turning one because it makes me feel like I'm doing something right.  We both lived through the first year which is an excellent reason to celebrate! 

Each time she wakes up from her nap, she looks less like a baby and more like a little girl.  We've had the "no more growing" talk many times and of course, she usually ends up giggling which leads me to believe that she is purposefully defying her mother.  I suppose I cant win them all. 

Here are some pictures of her big day!

She enjoyed the bows and tissue paper more than the actual gifts

She didn't mind swimming with daddy until he dunked her......ugh.....men

Being the Birthday Girl can be hard work!

Loves from Auntie Maren

Her smash cake (banana bread with sugar free frosting)

She needs a bath

So she takes a bath

Until she decides she's done and tries to crawl out for more cake

Scrambled Legs

Well, I did it!!  I completed the 2013 LOZILU Women's 5k Mud run!
With the help of my faithful teammates, all of Team, "Scrambled Legs" finished all obstacles!
I hurt for days afterwards and discovered muscles I never knew I had......
Totally worth it, and I cant wait to do it again!!



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