Saturday, June 25, 2011

Let there be light!.......after 41 hours.

So I don't have any pictures, but here's a fun experience to remember.  So Tuesday night, Ryan went to Scouts as usual, and I stayed home.  I ended up reading my magazines and watching The Sound of Music.  Anyway, at about 8:00, the sky started looking really funky and a storm started.  by 8:30, the power was flirting with going out and finally did.  As I looked out the window near my chair, I was actually very impressed with how bad the storm was getting.  I called Ryan and told him to drive safe.  I stumbled around looking for a flashlight.  To my not-so-pleasant surprise, both the flashlights I found didn't work.  Finally Ryan got home and we were able to find and light some candles and had a fun night, safe and dry, inside our own house with candles.  The next morning the power still hadn't come back on.  Ryan left for work, and as I sat in my car in the driveway to charge my phone, a friend offered for me to come hang at her house with her and her kids (angels) until the power came back on.  Like an idiot, when the Bishop called and offered us a generator for our fridge, I said no because the power was supposed to come back on that morning......But of course, it didn't.  We had another candle-lit night and by the next morning, still no power......ugh.  I ran a bunch of errands, and by the time I got home from them around 2 PM (Thursday), the power was finally back on!  But sadly this wasn't soon enough to save anything from our fridge or freezer!  It was really hard throwing all that food away........we'll definitely be planning better for next time. 

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